Spring Driving Tips

With the arrival of spring comes green grass, budding flowers, and warmer days ahead. For many in New England, the snow must melt, before spring can take root. With the snowmelt comes challenges you should be aware of when driving. Here are a few tips to help you safely navigate the roads this spring.

  • Messy Roads Slush, dirt, and inclement weather are all factors to consider when navigating the roads. Confirm your windshield washer fluid is adequately full before hitting the road to ensure you can see clearly. Spring is also a great time to inspect your windshield wipers and replace them as needed.
  • Road Repairs Winter can cause damage to roads, creating potholes and frost heaves. Prevent damage to your vehicle’s suspension, alignment, and tires by reducing your speed and avoiding potholes when it is possible to safely navigate around them. 
  • Tires – Changing temperatures can cause your tire pressure to fluctuate. Spring is a great time to check your tire pressure and add air as needed. This will increase the life of your tires and help with fuel efficiency. If you have studded winter tires on your vehicle, spring is the time to swap out your tires for summer-grade tires. Keep in mind most states have date deadlines for when winter tires must be removed by.
  • Animal Movement – Warmer weather often means more animals are on the move. Stay alert when driving, especially in wooded areas and at high-risk times of the day such as dawn, dusk, and at night.
  • Pedestrians – Spring brings increased pedestrian movement. Stay vigilant and know that pedestrians have the right away. Be extra cautious when navigating around young children.
  • Cyclists & Recreational Vehicles – Whether passing a bicyclist or following a motorcycle, always remember to share the road with cyclists. The same rule applies to sharing the road with ATV’s and other recreational vehicles.
  • Farm Equipment – Farmers are busy planting their crops in the spring. This means you’ll cross paths with tractors and other farm equipment on the roads as they navigate from field to field. Be cautious when following farm equipment! Due to their size, farm equipment can have increased blind spots, making it challenging for operators to see vehicles. Pass with extreme care, keeping in mind both the operator and oncoming traffic.