Spring Safety Checklist

Dedicating a few hours for property maintenance this spring will ensure your home stays in great shape and your family can enjoy the season ahead.

□ Inspect your roof for damage. Check all slopes for deterioration to prevent interior water damage.

□ Clean out roof gutters and drains. Be sure to set ladders on a firm and level surface before climbing onto your roof.

□ Inspect the entrance power line into your home for deterioration and confirm the wire is properly sealed to prevent water infiltration.

□ Review all siding, fascia, decking, and trim boards for deterioration.

□ Repair and fill any cracks and potholes in your driveway.

□ Familiarize yourself with power tools before use.

□ Inspect and replace damaged or worn extension cords.

□ Clean your grill and check for leaks in the gas line before use.

□ Keep a fire extinguisher accessible in areas of need.

□ Always call Dig Safe at 811 before digging to install fence posts, plant trees, etc.

□ Make sure that all steps and stairs on your property have a sturdy handrail installed at an appropriate height. Keep steps and landings free from obstructions and debris to reduce the possibility of trip and fall accidents.

□ Test your sump pump to make sure it is operating correctly.

□ Check your hot water heater for corrosion and leaks.

□ Schedule a service for your air conditioning systems.

□ Clean your dryer vent hose and exhaust vent.

□ Inspect and clean all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.